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The Start of Something New - Elite Events & Glamour Retreat

A Word from the Owner - Amber Contant

Are we surviving 2021 so far?

I know for many of us, 2020 was a difficult year (to say the least). I'd be willing to bet that a majority of readers experienced at least one major change. Some of you are probably looking at an entirely new day-to-day life.

Personal Reflection

At the start of the pandemic I was working as a medical device sales representative - aka a road warrior - and visiting a variation of clinics and hospitals in the Southeast. Not only did this industry die at the beginning of COVID-19, but I couldn't even conduct business. All outside, nonessential staff were either prevented from entering establishments or given extremely restricted permissions. In addition to this, my products relied on elective surgeries to take place, and a majority of those were canceled. Basically, my business flat-lined.

Amber Contant - MBA Graduate - University of West Florida

Thankfully, I was able to find a position very close to where I was currently living. Not only was this position deemed essential, but it was able to get me off the road and into a normal schedule. I feel extremely lucky that I was able to start a new and essential position at the time of this crisis. I was also able to complete my MBA online and continue my classes towards a Human Resources Certificate.

While 2020 wasn't the best, I am lucky for the changes I went through and the growth I underwent.

Modeling and Event Industry Reflection

For Elite Events, we missed out on an entire year of event planning. As a small business owner, facing something like this was a struggle. We had to cancel an extremely large Glamour Retreat event - Spring 2020 in Panama City Beach, FL. Over 30 attendees had to change their plans last minute. While some of the funds were lost, Elite Events was happy to roll over attendees to our next event (keep reading).

The only event we held in 2020 was the Miss Rock-N-Roll Bikini Contest; which took place right before the national shutdown. Ironically, this same bikini contest was the first event we got to host in 2021! After that, the Orange Beach Powerboat Week took place - hosted by the Florida Powerboat Club. For this event, we were able to host the bikini contest and staff the models that act as Florida Powerboat Club Girls (@fpcgirls) during the week. With these events occurring, it is obvious that the world is starting to get back to normal.

What's in Store?

2021 is already shaping up to be a better year. As businesses reopen, we are all reminded of what a normal life feels like. Although, it will be a little difficult to remember how to make normal facial expressions without a mask on. Elite Events plans to host several contests this year and help events and photographers staff models for either live work or photoshoots. If you need models, please reach out to us and let us know what you have in mind.

For those of you invested in the Glamour Retreat, one is being planned now. We're running out of time in 2021 to get an event together, but worst case scenario 2022 is shaping up to be a hell of a year. If you're someone who rolled your funds over from 2020 or you've just been patiently waiting for our next event, it is right around the corner. I encourage you to reach out to me personally with any questions or concerns you may have:

Thank you for standing by and waiting for us to get back on our feet. I am excited for what the future has in store, and I promise an event announcement in the near future.

Amber Contant

Owner - Elite Events, LLC


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